HORIZON Europe projects



ELECTRO: Electrified conversion of plastic waste into olefins & downstream integration

14.2 Μ €
12 partners

Demonstration of Sonication and Microwave Processing of essential chemicals

9.4 Μ €
13 partners

An electrochemically produced oxidiser for modular, onsite generation of HYdrogenPERoxide

7.2 Μ €
12 partners

A novel multi-stage steam gasification and syngas purification demonstration plant for waste to hydrogen conversion

10 Μ €
16 partners

Project Webpage

Production of advanced bioFUELS via pyrolysis and UPgrading of 100% biogenic residues for aviation and marine sector, including full valorisation of side streams

8.4 Μ €
12 partners

Project Webpage

Recently granted:

Staff Exchange project

Μ €

Project Webpage